I left the drizzle of Essex for the gloom of the Midlands to secure a Bachelor's and Master's. I finished top of the class in both 🤓. I won a competition brief resulting in a job at Aquire Digital. I also created an interactive digital installation for the National Space Centre

After three years at I was promoted to Senior Digital Creative. I began leading projects, taking creative ownership of large clients as well as successfully leading pitches for new ones. I also met my Fiancé about this time, but that's not why you're here.

What was 2020 all about? In the words of Ron Burgundy, 'Boy, that escalated quickly'. At least iMacs look better these days. I now work for Hogarth Worldwide as a Digital Design Team Leader - from home. 😷 Check us out
iMacs looked like spaceships, iPods were like bricks and no one in the world had seen an iPhone. I was busy grabbing 11 GCSES and 3 A-levels including an A* in Graphic and Product Design. I was also making questionable fashion decisions. (Still do).

I had a stab at starting my own agency, and made some pretty funky work, but I lacked business and finance experience. With student loan payments rolling in, I decided it was time to land a more secure job. I found one at Burrows, a part of the WPP group.

In 2016 I became Digital Creative Team Leader, and over the following 5 years led the design of several large scale online applications for the Automotive, House building, and Electronics industries. One of which was shortlisted for a Cannes Lion.